the lake county fair association is proud to partner with 4-h

4-H is an educational youth development organization which uses the University of Illinois’ research-based curriculum to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach. The 4-H name represents four personal development areas of focus for the organization: head, heart, hands, and health. Traditionally thought of as an agriculturally-focused organization, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs. The organization has over 6.5 million members in the United States, from ages 5 to 21, in approximately 90,000 clubs. The 4-H slogan is "Learn by doing". Mentored by dedicated volunteer instructors from the community, 4-H members gain valuable experience through hands-on projects that take place at the Lake County Fairgrounds during the Fair and throughout the year. Recent projects include: 

Beef Weigh In This project area will assist members in learning more about the beef industry. Members enrolled in this project are able to show their animals in the annual Lake County Fair. Our members have to follow the code of conduct rules and regulations, Illinois Department of Agriculture Exhibition livestock requirements, QAEC (Quality Assurance Ethics Certification training), and deadlines assigned to be in this project. The members meet in February in the Cattle barn area to do their weigh in.  

Livestock Weigh In This project area will assist members in learning more about the swine, lamb, goat, sheep, or poultry industries. Members enrolled in these project areas are able to show their animals at the annual Lake County Fair. Our members have to follow the code of conduct rules and regulations, Illinois Department of Agriculture Exhibition livestock requirements, QAEC (Quality Assurance Ethics Certification training), and deadlines assigned to be in this project. Members meet in February in the Cattle barn area to do their weigh in.  

4-H Pavilion at the Lake County Fair Each year 4-H members are encouraged to participate in a curated competition in conjunction with the annual Lake County Fair.  The areas of focus include: crafts, textiles, ceramics, culinary, painting, photography, flower and garden.  Ribbons are awarded to winners in each category.

International Festival Each year, the Lake County 4-H clubs choose various countries to learn about and create in-depth displays which explore the culture, government, agriculture, housing, economy, industries, clothing, music and crafts. The public is invited to come out and experience these magnificent displays.

Public Presentation Judging Event Members learn to interpret verbal and nonverbal information, develop effective public speaking skills, enhance written and spoken communication, or design a presentation.  We have up to 30 members signed up to be conferenced judged in March. We use the Fairgrounds classroom, boardroom, and kitchen area for this event. Parents, family and friends are the member’s audience. They are awarded ribbons for their participation.

Rocketry Launch Judging Members learn the basics of model rocketry including how a model rocket works and how to operate the equipment for a safe rocket launch.

Small Pet Show Judging Members are able to share their knowledge of different species and how they keep them healthy. Species include lizards, snakes, cats, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, rodents and crustaceans.

Dog Training Classes and Judging 4-H offers a 10 week training session, for all 4-H members. The purpose of these training sessions is to get the handler comfortable with collars and general safety tips when working with dogs. The training also introduces members to the basic commands of heel, sit and turns they will be doing for the judging show.

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Click here for more information about 4-H