On-site camping is available to fair vendors, livestock exhibitors, and personnel only. Tent camping is not allowed.
Pre-registration forms should be completed no later than Monday, July 7.
Any forms received after Monday, July 7 are subject to space availability.
Arrivals: The Fair campgrounds will be available for occupancy by 2:00pm on Monday, July 21.
Departures: All campers must vacate NO LATER THAN 9:00am on Monday, July 28.
Camper space will be assigned on a first come, first served basis, based on receipt of Camping Registration Form. Due to limited camping facilities, any camping spaces reserved as a walk-up during an event is strictly subject to availability. Location assignments will be designated.
Parking permits will be issued for each unit, and must be in full display upon entering the campgrounds, and throughout the stay of each camper. Camping permit is to be placed in a location on camping unit on the front window or door of the vehicle, so as to be visible by Fairgrounds Security personnel.
Campers will be assisted in parking in their designated area.
Campground Quiet Hours: Out of respect for fellow campers, the Fair will be strongly enforcing a Quiet Hours policy for all campers using the campground area. The Quiet Time policy will be from 1:00am through 5:00am daily. Any excessive noise or disturbance by camper(s) during this time period will result first in a verbal warning, and a second warning will be subject to a fine or removal from the campground area. In the case of a Fair vendor camper, the second warning could result in the loss of vendor space for the remainder of the Fair. (Final determination is at the discretion of the Fair Board of Directors).
All campers must enter and exit through designated gate via Peterson Road.
All pets must have current vaccinations, and proof of such vaccinations upon request of Fairgrounds Management. All pets must be kept on a chain or leash, and must stay in the campgrounds area during Fair hours. You must clean up after your pets, or an additional fine will be issued. All dogs must be well mannered. Any dogs displaying aggressive or vicious behavior will result in a fine or possible revoking of camping privileges.
All trash must be placed in trash barrels located throughout the designated camping area.
All gray water can be discharged into the sanitary line in campground area during the Fair. Black water will need to be discharged at the conclusion of the Fair. In the event the black water discharge site is full, campers will need to contact Service Sanitation to have camper(s) pumped.
No open burning (fire pits, camp fires etc.), although you may use grills for cooking purposes.
Please drive slowly and watch for vehicles and pedestrians while on the Fairgrounds.
All Fairground camping rules have been determined and will be enforced by Fair Management.